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Outer Hebrides Youth Enterprise Programme - OHYEP

Support provided by Western Isles Council (Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar) Business Gateway

What does this involve?

The Outer Hebrides Youth Enterprise Programme (OHYEP) provides funding and support to businesses with owners aged 18 to 40. 

The programme includes:

  • one-to-one adviser support
  • aftercare and mentoring support
  • revenue grant funding
  • one-to-one specialist support on various topics, including digital
  • free accounting software, with training
  • business skills webinars
  • access to other financial support and programmes

Revenue funding grants of £3,000 for full-time businesses and £1,500 for part-time businesses are available, to cover up to 75% of eligible project costs.

The purpose of the scheme is to fill the gap that young business owners and entrepreneurs can face when trying to access support.

The programme is financed by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and administered by Comhairle nan Eilean Siar’s Business Gateway Service, which provides assistance to new and existing businesses in the Outer Hebrides. 

Am I eligible?

OHYEP funding is potentially available to new and existing businesses in the Outer Hebrides region where the owner is aged 18 to 40.

The support is primarily targeted at key sectors, although it is open to businesses in all sectors except tourism accommodation.

Applicants will be expected to sign up to the aftercare programme to be eligible for support.

Applicants may be sole traders, partnerships, limited companies, co-operative groups, social enterprises or other legitimate business trading entities. 

Applicants must be able to fund the project upfront until the grant can be claimed. Grant payments will be made only after you submit proof of your expenses. No money should be spent until your application has been approved and you've received an official letter of offer.

Each application will be considered on its own merits. However, projects in areas which are adequately served by similar existing businesses are unlikely to meet the eligibility criteria.

Applicants with income from other employment are likely to be considered part-time.

The full list of conditions can be found on the Comhairle nan Eilean Siar website.

What does this cost?

There is no cost to apply but, if you apply for funding, you must be able to fund the project until the grant can be claimed. Grant payments will be released only after you submit proof of your expenditure. You shouldn't spend money on a project until your application has been approved and you have an official letter of offer.

Grants are only intended to cover a portion of your project costs (up to 75%). You must be able to cover the remainder from other sources.

Who is this for?

Businesses owners aged 18 to 35 based in the Outer Hebrides.

How long does this take?

Each application will be considered on its own merits. Timescales will vary depending on your project's scale.  

Important information

You will need to provide the following items with your application:

  • business plan
  • financial projections (3 years)
  • application form
  • bank statements
  • other supporting information as required

Next steps

Visit the Comhairle nan Eilean Siar website to submit an enquiry to the Business Gateway team.

Support provided by Western Isles Council (Comhairle Nan Eilean Siar) Business Gateway